跨課程英文學習活動 – 從文武廟與彩虹邨探討香港的文化保育、旅遊與房屋發展議題 LAC Learning Activities – Visit to Man Mo Temple & Inter-class Public Speaking Competition on the Redevelopment of Choi Hung Estate 2024-01-31
香港傑出學生詩人(英文)獎 Hong Kong Budding Poets (English) Award 2022-2023 2023-06-13
聯合國可持續發展目標英文辯論比賽 2022/23 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Debating Competition 2022/23 2023-05-29
香港校際模擬法庭辯論比賽 Hong Kong Inter-School Mock Trial Championship 2018-04-22
The 9th English Radio Drama Competition 2017-05-20
第九屆英語廣播劇創作暨演繹比賽 2017-05-20
Hong Kong School Drama Festival 2015/2016 2016-06-21
香港學校戲劇節 2015/2016 2016-06-21
Hong Kong Budding Poets (English) Award 2015-16 2016-06-15
香港傑出學生詩人(英文)獎 2016 2016-06-15
Hong Kong Primary and Secondary School English Writing Competition 2015-2016 2016-04-26
香港中小學生英文寫作比賽 2015-2016 2016-04-26
Hong Kong Budding Poets (English) Award 2014-15 2015-07-07
香港傑出學生詩人 (英文) 獎 2014-15 2015-07-07
Student Achievements in the EDB NET Section Competitions for Student Production and Performance 2015-07-06
本校於教育局主辦的英語創作比賽中取得佳績 2015-07-06
Hong Kong Primary and Secondary School English Writing Competition 2014-2015 2015-05-29
香港中小學生英文寫作比賽 2014-2015 2015-05-29
Our school won the First Place in two Choral Speaking events in the 66th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (English) 2014-2015 2014-12-24
本校兩班同學(4E, 5C)均於第六十六屆校際朗誦節(英文組)勇奪男子組集誦第一名 2014-12-24