創意思維襟章設計比賽2024 Odyssey of the Mind Pin Design Competition 2024 2024-06-28
第四屆香港出類拔萃學生大賽 中學組 The 4th Hong Kong Outstanding Art Student Competition (Secondary School Section) 2024-03-15
“同心創夢” 第四屆少年繪畫比賽 “We Dream . We Draw” Drawing Competition 2023-12-30
慶祝香港特別行政區成立二十六周年 - 觀塘區防火安全比賽 Kwun Tong Fire Safety Committee Art competition 2023-12-23
2023年全港青少年書畫比賽 (西畫中學組) Hong Kong Calligraphy and Painting Competition 2023 (Secondary School Western Painting Section) 2023-10-23
全港青年大賞繪畫比賽2023 x 大阪作品展 Hong Kong Young Artist Painting Competition x Osaka Art Exhibition 2023-10-12
第16屆青少年藝術節水彩及粉彩畫比賽 16th Young Artist Festival Painting Cometition 2023-10-06
第二屆美食之都在香港繪畫比賽 2nd Delicious Food in Hong Kong Painting Competition 2023-09-27
我最愛的卡通動漫繪畫比賽 My Most Favorite Comics Competition 2023-09-23
第14屆海峽兩岸美術大展 – 光陰的故事 The 14th Both Sides of the Strait Art Exhibition – The Story of Time 2023-05-22
中法少年繪畫藝術交流大賽 Sino-French Young Artist Competition 2023-05-01
同享快樂一刻繪畫比賽 2022 A Happy Moment Drawing Competition 2023-04-22
觀塘區滅罪四格漫畫創作比賽 Fight Crime Comics Competition 2023-04-15
第八屆香港中學生傑出作品展2023 The 8th Hong Kong Secondary School Distinguished Artwork Exhibition 2023 2023-04-06
香港青少年慶回歸繪畫比賽 Celebrating Anniversary of the Return Painting Competition 2022-11-15
香港回歸25週年繪畫比賽 (中學組) The 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of HKSAR Painting Competition (Secondary School Section) 2022-06-23
機械人繪畫創作比賽 Robot Painting Competition 2022-05-10
學生設計作品及理念刋登於公教報 The Artworks and Design Rationales of Students Published on Kung Kao Po 2021-11-28
Sing Yin Students won prizes in a Hoarding Poster Design Competition for the ArchSD project 2015-11-16
本校學生於《九龍觀塘彩興路女童羣育學校建築署工程》圍板海報設計比賽勇奪多項獎項 2015-11-16