五十五周年校慶感恩祭 55th School Anniversary Thanksgiving Mass 2025-01-17
聖誕祈禱會 Christmas Prayer Meeting 2024-12-19
科學嘉年華 Science Carnival 2024-12-11
旅行日 Picnic Day 2024-12-10
聖言中學頒獎典禮 Sing Yin Secondary School Prize Giving Ceremony 2024 2024-12-06
第一次全方位學習日 2024-2025 The First Life-wide Learning Day 2024-2025 2024-12-02
24/25粵港澳姊妹學校簽約儀式 2024-11-25
公益金便服日2024 Dress Casual Day 2024 2024-10-31
人工智能與機械人的未來與發展講座 The Future and Development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics 2024-10-16
水運會 Swimming Gala 2024-10-15
聖言先鋒嘉許暨就職典禮 Sing Yin Pioneers Commendation and Inauguration Ceremony 2024-09-27
聖言中學陸運會 2024-2025 Sing Yin Secondary School Sports Day 2024-2025 2024-09-25
學生會選舉及就職典禮 Students' Association Election and Inauguration Ceremony 2024-09-20
開學祈禱禮儀及聖言會創會紀念感恩禮儀 Prayer Meeting for New School Year and Divine Word Missionaries Foundation Day Prayer Meeting 2024-09-05
結業禮及祈禱會 Thanksgiving Closing Prayer Meeting 2024-07-19
日本文化歷史之旅 Cultural and Historical Tour to Japan 2024-06-24
二零二三至二零二四年度畢業典禮 The Graduation Ceremony 2023-2024 2024-05-24
親子低碳煮食比賽 Parent-child Low-carbon Cooking Competition 2024-05-21
聖言物理奧林匹克 2023-24 Sing Yin Physics Olympiad 2023-24 2024-05-15
中六最後⼀個上課⽇及畢業祈禱會 Last school day and Graduation Prayer Meeting for F6 2024-02-27