全港中學編程挑戰賽 2023 Hong Kong Secondary School Coding Challenge 2023 2023-07-15
第二屆全港青少年中國文化和旅遊知識競賽 The 2ndHong Kong Youth Chinese Culture and Tourism Knowledge Competition 2023-07-09
校際花式跳繩錦標賽2023 Inter-School Rope Skipping Championship 2023 2023-06-25
香港傑出學生詩人(英文)獎 Hong Kong Budding Poets (English) Award 2022-2023 2023-06-13
第二屆北區柔道錦標賽 The 2nd North district Judo Championships 2023-06-12
電子「股壇達人」比賽 Digital Stock Trading Guru Competition 2023-06-05
全港學界跳繩比賽2023 All Hong Kong Inter-School Rope Skipping Competition 2023 2023-06-04
聯合國可持續發展目標英文辯論比賽 2022/23 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Debating Competition 2022/23 2023-05-29
國際編程精英挑戰賽 (港澳台) ICE Challenge (HK-MO-TW) 2022-2023 2023-05-22
第14屆海峽兩岸美術大展 – 光陰的故事 The 14th Both Sides of the Strait Art Exhibition – The Story of Time 2023-05-22
第二十四屆亞太橋牌聯合會青年錦標賽 (U16組別) 24th Asia Pacific Bridge Federation Youth Championships (U16 session) 2023-05-19
香港物理奧林匹克 2023 Hong Kong Physics Olympiad 2023 2023-05-14
全港學界精英田徑(團體)比賽 All Hong Kong Jing Ying Athletics(Team) Tournament 2023-05-06
中法少年繪畫藝術交流大賽 Sino-French Young Artist Competition 2023-05-01
中學校際手球比賽(第二組) Inter-School Handball Competition 22-23(Division2) 2023-04-30
同享快樂一刻繪畫比賽 2022 A Happy Moment Drawing Competition 2023-04-22
觀塘區滅罪四格漫畫創作比賽 Fight Crime Comics Competition 2023-04-15
第八屆香港中學生傑出作品展2023 The 8th Hong Kong Secondary School Distinguished Artwork Exhibition 2023 2023-04-06
第34屆中學生閱讀報告比賽 The 34th Annual Book Report Competition for Secondary School Students 2023-03-24
中學校際足球比賽 (第二組) Inter-School Football Competition 2022-2023 (Division2) 2023-03-03