中學校際田徑比賽 (第二組) Inter-School Athletics Competition 2022-2023 (Division2) 2023-03-02
香港學校戲劇節 Hong Kong School Drama Festival 2023-02-17
第七十五屆香港學校音樂節 結他二重奏 高級組 75th School Music Festival Guitar Duet - senior 2023-02-16
香港男子跆拳道黑帶賽2022 48-51kg Bantam雛量級 2022 Hong Kong Black Belt Taekwondo Competition 2023-01-15
香港網絡保安新生代奪旗挑戰賽 2022 Hong Kong Cyber Security New Generation Capture the Flag (CTF) Challenge 2022 2022-12-19
慶祝香港回歸祖國25周年--第一屆全港青少年中國文化和旅遊知識競賽 Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of Hong Kong’s Return to China – 1st Hong Kong Youth Chinese Culture and Tourism Knowledge Competition 2022-12-18
香港電腦奧林匹克競賽 2022/23 Hong Kong Olympiad in Informatics (HKOI) 2023/23 2022-12-17
全港中小學徵文比賽﹕給南京大屠殺倖存者的一封信 2022-12-13
中學校際手球比賽 Inter-School Handball Competition 2022-12-04
全國青少年信息學奧林匹克聯賽 2022 National Olympiad in Informatics in Provinces (NOIP) 2022 2022-11-26
中學校際乒乓球比賽第三組(九龍二區)男子組甲組 Inter-school Table Tennis Competition Division Three (Kowloon Two) Boys A Grade 2022-11-25
18歲或以下青少年男子雙打錦標賽 18 or Under Junior Boys' Doubles Championship 2022-11-19
香港青少年慶回歸繪畫比賽 Celebrating Anniversary of the Return Painting Competition 2022-11-15
學界中學校際越野比賽港島及九龍區第三組別(一區) Hong Kong Island and Kowloon Secondary Schools Inter School Cross Country Competition 2022-2023 Division3 (Area 1) 2022-11-11
公民鑽禧田徑錦標賽 (第一站) TCAA 75th Anniversary Athletics Championship (Station1) 2022-11-06
第十一屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽 The 11th Inter-school Competition of Project Learning on Hong Kong's History and Culture 2022-11-03
全港中學生軟件開發邀請賽 2022 Hong Kong Secondary Schools Software Development Invitational Contest (SDIC) 2022 2022-10-29
中學校際游泳比賽第三組(九龍二區)男子組 Inter-school Swimming Competition Division Three (Kowloon Two) 2022-10-14
2022 屈臣氏田徑會周年大賽 WAC Annual Challenge 2022 2022-10-02
愉園體育會全港青少年田徑賽2022 Happy Valley Athletic Association Hong Kong Youth Athletic Meet 2022 2022-09-30