香港中小學生英文寫作比賽 2014-2015 29 May 2015
Sing Yin students won the Championship in the 15th Basic Law and National Knowledge Quiz Competition (Junior Secondary) 20 April 2015
本校學生於第十五屆《基本法》及國民常識問答比賽 (初中組) 榮獲冠軍 20 April 2015
Sing Yin Students Awarded in Shuttlecock Competition 29 March 2015
聖言同學於足毽比賽獲佳績 29 March 2015
Sing Yin students won the Championship in the China Champion 2015 Quiz 28 March 2015
本校學生於中華狀元2015問答比賽榮獲冠軍 28 March 2015
香港地理奧林匹克 2015 24 March 2015
Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 24 March 2015
田徑隊於多個公開比賽中表現傑出,奪得多個獎項 09 March 2015
Our school won the First Place in Boys B Grade (Division Two) Inter-School Athletics Competition (HK Island and Kowloon) 2014-2015 09 March 2015
Sing Yin Won the Fourth Place in the Inter-school Football Competition 05 January 2015
足球隊勇奪學界第二組別甲組殿軍 05 January 2015
Our school won the First Place in two Choral Speaking events in the 66th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (English) 2014-2015 24 December 2014
本校兩班同學(4E, 5C)均於第六十六屆校際朗誦節(英文組)勇奪男子組集誦第一名 24 December 2014
Sing Yin students won two prizes in the OSH Quiz Competition 2014 30 September 2014
本校學生於職安健常識問答比賽2014勇奪兩獎 30 September 2014
陳家傑同學代表香港遠赴波蘭克拉科夫參加第十一屆國際地理奧林匹克,榮獲銀牌 04 September 2014
Chan Ka Kit, one of the representatives of the Hong Kong Team, won a Silver Medal in the 11th International Geography Olympiad held in Krakow, Poland 04 September 2014
聖言足鍵隊於Samsung第五十七屆體育節——第十八屆學界足毽邀請賽暨工商盃獲佳績 29 August 2014