中學校際田徑比賽 (第二組) Inter-School Athletics Competition 2022-2023 (Division2) 02 March 2023
香港學校戲劇節 Hong Kong School Drama Festival 17 February 2023
第七十五屆香港學校音樂節 結他二重奏 高級組 75th School Music Festival Guitar Duet - senior 16 February 2023
香港男子跆拳道黑帶賽2022 48-51kg Bantam雛量級 2022 Hong Kong Black Belt Taekwondo Competition 15 January 2023
香港網絡保安新生代奪旗挑戰賽 2022 Hong Kong Cyber Security New Generation Capture the Flag (CTF) Challenge 2022 19 December 2022
慶祝香港回歸祖國25周年--第一屆全港青少年中國文化和旅遊知識競賽 Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of Hong Kong’s Return to China – 1st Hong Kong Youth Chinese Culture and Tourism Knowledge Competition 18 December 2022
香港電腦奧林匹克競賽 2022/23 Hong Kong Olympiad in Informatics (HKOI) 2023/23 17 December 2022
全港中小學徵文比賽﹕給南京大屠殺倖存者的一封信 13 December 2022
中學校際手球比賽 Inter-School Handball Competition 04 December 2022
全國青少年信息學奧林匹克聯賽 2022 National Olympiad in Informatics in Provinces (NOIP) 2022 26 November 2022
中學校際乒乓球比賽第三組(九龍二區)男子組甲組 Inter-school Table Tennis Competition Division Three (Kowloon Two) Boys A Grade 25 November 2022
18歲或以下青少年男子雙打錦標賽 18 or Under Junior Boys' Doubles Championship 19 November 2022
香港青少年慶回歸繪畫比賽 Celebrating Anniversary of the Return Painting Competition 15 November 2022
學界中學校際越野比賽港島及九龍區第三組別(一區) Hong Kong Island and Kowloon Secondary Schools Inter School Cross Country Competition 2022-2023 Division3 (Area 1) 11 November 2022
公民鑽禧田徑錦標賽 (第一站) TCAA 75th Anniversary Athletics Championship (Station1) 06 November 2022
第十一屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽 The 11th Inter-school Competition of Project Learning on Hong Kong's History and Culture 03 November 2022
全港中學生軟件開發邀請賽 2022 Hong Kong Secondary Schools Software Development Invitational Contest (SDIC) 2022 29 October 2022
中學校際游泳比賽第三組(九龍二區)男子組 Inter-school Swimming Competition Division Three (Kowloon Two) 14 October 2022
2022 屈臣氏田徑會周年大賽 WAC Annual Challenge 2022 02 October 2022
愉園體育會全港青少年田徑賽2022 Happy Valley Athletic Association Hong Kong Youth Athletic Meet 2022 30 September 2022