第二十屆泛珠三角物理奧林匹克暨中華名校邀請賽 The 20th Pan-Pearl River Delta and Chinese Elite Schools Physics Olympiad 20 February 2024
全港中學生軟件開發邀請賽 2023 Hong Kong Secondary Schools Software Development Invitational Contest (SDIC) 2023 02 February 2024
國慶會長盃足球比賽(中學組) 20 January 2024
第十二屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽 The 12th Inter-school Competition of Project Learning on Hong Kong's History and Culture 06 January 2024
“同心創夢” 第四屆少年繪畫比賽 “We Dream . We Draw” Drawing Competition 30 December 2023
慶祝香港特別行政區成立二十六周年 - 觀塘區防火安全比賽 Kwun Tong Fire Safety Committee Art competition 23 December 2023
中學校際手球比賽第二組別甲組第四名 4th Place in Inter-school Handball Competition (Division II) (A Grade) 17 December 2023
香港電腦奧林匹克競賽 2023/24 Hong Kong Olympiad in Informatics (HKOI) 2023/24 16 December 2023
第十三屆全港學生中國國情知識大賽 The 13th Hong Kong Students National Knowledge Contest 09 December 2023
全國青少年信息學奧林匹克聯賽 2023 National Olympiad in Informatics in Provinces (NOIP) 2023 18 November 2023
2023年全港青少年書畫比賽 (西畫中學組) Hong Kong Calligraphy and Painting Competition 2023 (Secondary School Western Painting Section) 23 October 2023
第十八屆(2023年)兒童及青少年讀經比賽 22 October 2023
全港青年大賞繪畫比賽2023 x 大阪作品展 Hong Kong Young Artist Painting Competition x Osaka Art Exhibition 12 October 2023
第16屆青少年藝術節水彩及粉彩畫比賽 16th Young Artist Festival Painting Cometition 06 October 2023
第二屆美食之都在香港繪畫比賽 2nd Delicious Food in Hong Kong Painting Competition 27 September 2023
我最愛的卡通動漫繪畫比賽 My Most Favorite Comics Competition 23 September 2023
培正喇沙編程挑戰賽 La Salle - Pui Ching Programming Challenge 2023 19 August 2023
第十八屆世界橋牌青年錦標賽 18th World Youth Bridge Championships 07 August 2023
Ace of Coders 亞洲賽 (Asia) 2023 26 July 2023
First Lego League 2022-2023 22 July 2023