The Outstanding Student Award and the Outstanding Students of the Region
- Details
- Published: Monday, 26 September 2016 09:54
學生 |
6E | 羅竣之 | Law Chun Chi, Anson | |
主辦機構 |
觀塘區傑出學生協會 |
香港青年協進會 |
獎項 |
「第八屆九龍地域傑出學生選舉」觀塘區優秀學生 |
「第十一屆觀塘區傑出選舉」觀塘區傑出學生 |
詳情 Description |
經過兩個多月的嚴謹選拔後,本校6E班羅竣之同學在觀塘區傑出學生協會舉辦的「第十一屆觀塘區傑出選舉頒獎典禮」脫穎而出,獲選為觀塘區傑出學生,同時羅竣之同學亦在香港青年協進會舉辦的「第八屆九龍地域傑出學生選舉」獲選為觀塘區優秀學生。羅竣之同學在學術成績、個人發展及校外比賽都有優秀表現。他在初中階段已培養良好的學習態度,勇於挑戰自我,憑藉認真和堅毅的精神,獲得今天的殊榮。 Law Chun Chi, Anson is an all-rounded achiever who has holistic developments in various aspects, together with excellent academic results, conduct and active participation in extra-curricular activities and social services. The effort and hard work paid by him are worth appreciated. The outstanding student, Anson, acts as a role model and further encourages the younger generations. |
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