五十周年校慶紀念品預訂 50th School Anniversary Souvenir Pre-order

為慶祝聖言五十周年校慶,本校特意設計了一系列限量版紀念品,分三階段發售,歡迎各校友、老師、家長及同學訂購。是次銷售收益,將全數撥入聖言中學教育基金,為學校日後發展之用。詳情請參閱 https://sy50.singyin.edu.hk/校慶紀念品
To commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Sing Yin Secondary School, we have prepared a set of anniversary souvenirs. Alumni, teachers, parents and students can place orders on the designated website. All proceeds will go to Sing Yin Secondary School Education Foundation for the future development of the school. For details, please refer to our webpage https://sy50.singyin.edu.hk/校慶紀念品 .