聖言會創會紀念感恩禮儀 2023 Divine Word Missionaries Foundation Day Prayer Meeting 2023
- Details
- Published: Thursday, 07 September 2023 17:14
活動名稱 Event |
聖言會創會紀念感恩禮儀 Divine Word Missionaries Foundation Day Prayer Meeting |
主辦機構 Organizer |
聖言中學 Sing Yin Secondary School |
日期 Date |
2023-09-07 |
地點 Venue |
學校禮堂 School hall |
詳情 Description |
聖言會於1875年9月8日聖母誕辰瞻禮日成立。為慶祝創會148周年,本校於9月7日舉行了創會紀念感恩禮儀,由澳門聖若瑟大學副教授聖言會範聖言神父 (Rev. Franz Gassner SVD)主禮,校監張明德神父及宋永恩神父共禮。全體師生到禮堂參與,共沐主恩。
另外,學校於9月4日開學日舉行開學祈禱禮儀,由校監張明德神父主禮。為配合今年學校的關注事項「天主教教育五大核心價值的實踐」,禮儀中特別選用了瑪竇福音「凡你們對我這些最小兄弟中的一個所做的,就是對我做的。」一節,提醒同學要對弱者施予關懷,活出仁愛的精神。 The Society of the Divine Word was founded on September 8, 1875, the feast day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. To celebrate the 148th anniversary of the founding of the Society, a thanksgiving ceremony was held on September 7, officiated by Rev. Franz Gassner SVD, Associate Professor at University of St. Joseph in Macau, and co-celebrated by School Supervisors Fr. Johnson and Fr. Natalius. All pupils and teachers gathered in the hall to receive the blessings of God.
During the ceremony, Fr. Franz pointed out students learn many different subjects in school, such as language, mathematics, geography, history, science, etc., and that all these subjects have a different relationship with God, through whom all things are made. He reminded students that the Word is the word of Jesus Christ, and that we should always say good words to people, bring hope to mankind and spread positive energy to others. The Society of the Divine Word currently has about 6,000 missionaries and 4,000 missionary sisters who carry out the missionary duty of spreading the Gospel and saying what’s good and true in 80 different countries and regions in the world.
In addition, the school held a prayer on September 4, the first day of the school year, which was officiated by School Supervisor, Fr. Johnson. In line with one of the school's major concern this year, ""Putting the Five Core Values of Catholic Education into action"", the Gospel of Matthew, ""Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me"", was used in the prayer to remind the students of the importance of caring those in need and to live a spirit of love and benevolence. |
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