2023-2024 旅行日 Picnic Day
- Details
- Published: Tuesday, 12 December 2023 16:01
活動名稱 Event |
旅行日 Picnic Day |
主辦機構 Organizer |
課外活動組 ECA |
日期 Date |
2023-12-12 |
地點 Venue |
詳情 Description |
12月12日星期三是我校一年一度的旅行日。同學們集隊過後,便出發前往目的地——流水響水塘。抵達燒烤場後,同學們已經迫不及待拿出預備的物品,準備燒烤。隨著一塊塊炭被點燃,一眾師生開始燒烤,大家一邊欣賞美麗的自然風光,一邊和朋友談天,享受美味佳餚。飽餐過後,師生們聚在一起,參與集體遊戲,如拋接飛盤,糖黐豆等,大家都玩得不亦樂乎。而這次旅行日也隨著同學們的歡聲笑語逐漸拉下帷幕,為大家留下了珍貴且難忘的回憶。 Our annual trip day was held on December 12th, Wednesday. After the assembly, our students set off for their destination - Lau Shui Heung Reservoir. Upon arrival, our students were eager to take out their items and prepare for the barbecue. As the charcoal was lit one by one, the teachers and students began barbecuing, enjoying the awe-inspiring natural scenery, and spending quality time chatting with their friends in the process. After a delicious meal, the teachers and students gathered together and had a great time engaging in group games such as Frisbee and Tang Chi Dou. This trip day came to a fruitful end with the laughter of the students, forging precious and unforgettable memories for everyone. |
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