學生會選舉及就職典禮 Students' Association Election and Inauguration Ceremony
- Details
- Published: Friday, 20 September 2024 07:40
活動名稱 Event |
學生會選舉及就職典禮 Students' Association Election and Inauguration Ceremony |
主辦機構 Organizer |
學校 School |
日期 Date |
2024-09-20 |
地點 Venue |
禮堂 Hall |
詳情 Description |
2024至2025年的學生會選舉於9月17日至20日舉行。今年共有三個候選內閣參與,分別為一號內閣Dagaz,二號內閣Sowilo和三號內閣Artemis。 三個學生會候選內閣在9月17日的政綱大會上,向同學們介紹著自己的理念與展示為學校為同學服務的決心。 投票日緊隨在9月19日於禮堂舉行,近百位同學在放學後齊集禮堂出席點票環節,歷經緊張的唱票程序後,三號內閣Artemis最終以252票成功當選,成為聖言新一屆的學生會。 9月20日,學生會Bonfire在進行了年度總結報告後,正式進行交接儀式,把這項重任交托在Artemis的手上。除此之外,新一屆的風紀員亦在授章典禮上,與上屆的風紀員順利交接,與Artemis一起攜手開啟聖言中學嶄新的一年。 The 2024-2025 Students' Association Election was held from the 17th to the 20th of September. This year, a total of 3 cabinets participated in the election, they are Cabinet 1 Dagaz, Cabinet 2 Sowilo, and Cabinet 3 Artemis respectively. During the S.A. Campaign Speech on September 17th, the three cabinets presented their ideologies and commitment to securing the rights and privileges of students. The voting took place in the school hall on September 19th. After school, over a hundred students gathered around in the school hall to oversee the vote counting. After a nerve-wracking and tense session, Cabinet 3, Artemis, has secured the top place at 252 votes, becoming the next Students' Association of Sing Yin. In the Annual General Meeting of S.A. on September 20th, the former Students' Association, Bonfire, started the transition of the S.A. office, handing over the duties of the S.A. office to Artemis. In addition, the former Prefects have smoothly transitioned to the new Prefects during the Prefect Inauguration. Together with Artemis, they opened a brand-new and thrilling year for Sing Yin. |
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