聖言中學頒獎典禮 Sing Yin Secondary School Prize Giving Ceremony 2024

Sing Yin Secondary School Prize Giving Ceremony 2024
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

聖言中學二零二四至二五年度上學期頒獎典禮已於十二月六日(星期五)假本校禮堂舉行。是次典禮非常榮幸邀請到香港中學校長會前主席 葉錦元先生擔任主禮嘉賓,其他嘉賓包括校監張神父、各位校董、許校長、家長教師會主席、校友會主席、以及三位副校長。



為表揚於體育方面取得突破成績之同學,本年之傑出運動員分別為中二張永希同學及中五鍾德澤同學。張同學獲得黃大仙區田徑比賽D組跳遠冠軍及200米亞軍,而鍾同學於校際田徑比賽奪得甲組1500米及5000米冠軍、校際越野比賽甲組冠軍,更取得香港青少年田徑分齡賽U18 3000米冠軍,刷新U18香港紀錄,實至名歸。



The 2024-2025 First Term Prize Giving Ceremony of Sing Yin Secondary School took place on December 6 in the school hall. Mr. Yip Kam Yuen, former Chairman of the Hong Kong Association of the Heads of Secondary Schools, graced the event as the Guest of Honour. Other guests included our school supervisor, Fr. Johnson, members of the Incorporated Management Committee of the school, Principal Hui, the Chairman of the Parent-Teacher Association, the Chairman of the Alumni Association, and the three Vice-Principals.

Over 400 awards were presented during the ceremony. Notably, Mr. Yeung Chau Ho, a 2009 graduate, received the Outstanding Alumni Award. With over 12 years of audit experience and as a member of the Society of Chinese Accountants and Auditors, Mr Yeung has generously provided pro bono audit services to the school's Parent-Teacher Association, reflecting his gratitude for the education he received at Sing Yin. His commitment embodies the school motto, “Being able to manifest one's highest mortality,” making him a role model for all students.

Our students also excelled in academics, music and sports. The Junior and Senior English Debate Teams won Champions in the Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition. The Brass Band and String Orchestra secured Gold Awards in the Joint School Music Competition. The Sing Yin Secondary School and Kowloon True Light School Joint School Choir won the Gold Award at the Hong Kong Inter-School Choral Festival. The Drama Club won the Champion in the Healthy Student Drama Contest. The Rope Skipping Club won the Champion in the Hong Kong Inter-School Rope Skipping Competition. And the Handball Team won the Champions in both B and C Grades, as well as the Overall Champion in the Inter-School Handball Competition.

To honour our top athletes, the Outstanding Athlete of the Year award was presented to Cheung Wing Hei from Form 2 and Chung Tak Chal from Form 5. Cheung won the Champion in MD Long Jump and 1st runner-up in 200m at the Wong Tai Sin District Athletic Meet. Chung excelled in multiple events, including winning the Champion in A Grade 1500m and 5000m at the Inter-school Athletics Competition, the Champion in A Grade in the Inter-school Cross Country Competition, and the Champion in U18 3000m at the HVAA Hong Kong Age Group Athletic Meet, breaking the U18 Hong Kong Record.

Following the award presentations, students from Class 4C gave a performance of Choral Speaking, showing superb interpretation of the poem. The String Orchestra also delivered a brilliant performance, concluding the ceremony on a high note.

As the guests and students rose and sang the school song together, the ceremony came to an end. Once again, we would like to thank all the guests for attending the ceremony and congratulate all the winners. The above awards are not exhaustive. We hope that our students will continue to make the best of their talents both within and beyond the school.

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