聖誕祈禱會 Christmas Prayer Meeting
- Details
- Published: Thursday, 19 December 2024 14:04
活動名稱 Event |
聖誕祈禱會 Christmas Prayer Meeting |
主辦機構 Organizer |
聖言中學 SYSS |
日期 Date |
2024-12-19 |
地點 Venue |
傅一民堂 School Hall |
詳情 Description |
本年度的聖誕祈禱會於12月19日舉行,慶祝基督的誕生。禮儀由校監張明德神父主持、王守照神父襄禮。全體學生和老師都聚集在禮堂參加這次祈禱會。在祈禱會中,我們聆聽福音,並透過祈禱和歌詠感謝上主的各種恩賜。在神父講道中,張神父帶領及教導我們特別反思生命和希望的意義:耶穌基督的誕生帶給人類救恩,使我們的生命充滿希望、喜樂和平安,使我們在挑戰和困難中有依靠、有力量。在今年的聖誕節,教宗方濟各為2025年禧年訂下「希望的朝聖者」主題,提醒我們在面對挑戰或困難時,要懷著信德與望德,堅定依靠天主。張神父更提醒我們在面對不公義的事情時,要有恆心,充滿信心地向天主祈禱。同時,張神父更勉勵我們不僅要更新自己的生命,還要懷著愛德和望德,將希望與身邊的人分享。 聖誕節是一個特別的節日。它代表著朋友和家人的團聚,代表著喜悅,也代表著基督的榮耀誕生。通過這次聖誕祈禱會,學生和教師分享祝福,表達對上主所創造和賜予我們的一切的感激之情。 To celebrate the birth of Christ, a Christmas prayer meeting was held on the 19th of December 2024. The meeting was officiated by school supervisor Rev Johnson, SVD, and co-celebrated by Rev Andrew Wang, SVD. All teachers and students gathered in the hall for the prayer meeting. We expressed our gratitude to God for his love and care in this year through prayers and hymns. Through this meeting, students and teachers shared blessings with one another and celebrated this special moment together. In the meeting, Rev Johnson mentioned that Christmas not only marks the birth of Jesus Christ, but also symbolises the arrival of new hopes and joys. He invited us to eagerly anticipate the new beginning as well as the heavenly kingdom. We should also let go of the past challenges. Principal Dr Hui also reminded us to make the most of the Christmas holiday. Besides rest and relaxation, we should also use this break to reflect on our studies and focus on self-improvement. |
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