第十三屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽 The 13th Inter-school Competition of Project Learning on Hong Kong’s History and Culture
- Details
- Published: Saturday, 18 January 2025 14:23
活動名稱 Event |
第十三屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽 The 13th Inter-school Competition of Project Learning on Hong Kong’s History and Culture |
主辦機構 Organizer |
香港歷史博物館和香港中華文化促進中心 The Hong Kong Museum of History & The Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture |
日期 Date |
2025-01-18 |
地點 Venue |
香港歷史博物館 Hong Kong Museum of History |
詳情 Description |
2024年1月,五位中三同學報名參加第十三屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽,以「Colonial Rule, Patriots, and Riots – Left-wing Education and the Hong Kong Society (1949-1978)」為題研究,最終奪得初級組文字報告冠軍。 研習過程中,同學蒐集書籍、政府檔案、學術論文等各種資料。同學也多次邀約專家和團體,在2月前往中文大學圖書館特藏閲覽室,瀏覽善本書、手稿、檔案文獻及訪問錄音,是研究的重要資源;亦在5月訪問了香島中學校友會,聆聽歷史見證人的第一身分享。 2025年1月18日,頒獎典禮於香港歷史博物館舉辦。許志權校長、郭鄭美玲副校長和家長們亦親臨會場,祝賀獲獎隊伍。頒獎典禮上,同學在演講台上進行匯報,展示研究成果,為整個參賽經歷畫上圓滿句號。在此勉勵各位同學再接再厲,再創佳績。 In January 2024, five Form Three students joined the 13th Inter-school Competition of Project Learning on Hong Kong's History and Culture, researching on the topic “Colonial Rule, Patriots, and Riots – Left-wing Education and the Hong Kong Society (1949-1978)”. The students won the Championship of the Junior Division (Written Report) in the competition. During the research, the students gathered various sources including books, government archives and academic theses. They also communicated with experts and related organisations, visiting the Special Collections Reading Room of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in February. It provided significant resources for their research. They also visited the Heung To Middle School Alumni Association in May to listen to the first-hand experiences of those witnessing the historical events. On January 18, 2025, the prize-giving ceremony was held in the Hong Kong Museum of History. Our Principal, Dr Hui, Vice-principal Mrs Kwok and parents attended the ceremony to congratulate the winning team. During the ceremony, the team presented their research findings to mark an end to the whole journey. We would like to take this opportunity to encourage Sing Yin Boys to keep striving for excellence in the future. |
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